A  T H I R D  G E N E R A T I O N  R A N C H

A  L e g a c y  Of  P r o v e n  P e r f o r m a n c e  Q u a r t e r  H o r s e s

  • About Johnson Ranch

    A third generation ranch located just outside of Mandaree, North Dakota. On the ranch, we run quarter horses, Angus cows, Hereford Bulls, and Angus Bulls.

    We have placed the highest of quality bloodlines and genetics within our quarter horses. We have spent over 50 years focused on creating the highest performing horses.

  • About Ivan Johnson

    With over 50 years ranching, Ivan Johnson started his quarter horse program with one Leo Stud and has since expanded his herd with a focus on his bloodlines. In addition to quarter horses, Ivan runs Angus cows with Hereferd and Angus bulls. Ivan currently stands on the board of directors for the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame and is passionately involved with rodeo.

    In his past, Ivan has worked on the ranches of Benny Binion as well as Matador Ranch before returning to Johnson Ranch.

  • North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame

    North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame

    Ivan Johnson is recognized in the North Dakota Cowboy Hall of Fame for his highly honorable cowboy achievements.